Featured Cyclist

A philosophy for bicycle touring

Cyclist and Bike Florida coast-to-coast ride participant Tom Bilcze shares his philosophy for bicycle touring:

  1. Smiles before miles. Choose to take time to meet people and explore their towns over racking up the miles on the Garmin to make the most of the day.
  2. The worst can be the best. Challenging situations question, “Why am I doing this?” Those times linger on to become some of the best memories.
  3. Grab a stool. The best way to get to know people is to share a meal. Nothing beats taking a seat at a diner’s counter. This immediately leads to laughter and conversations.
  4. What’s the hurry? Touring by bike is escaping from life’s responsibilities. Set a target time to cycle but be flexible. It’s surprising how relaxed you are at the end of the day.
  5. Lost can be found. There will certainly be lost time on a tour. An unintentional turn can lead to interesting unplanned experiences to an otherwise often over-planned route.

Read Tom’s whole list and commentary here.


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