Cyclist and Bike Florida coast-to-coast ride participant Tom Bilcze has some cycling myths that he wants to bust for you. Here are a few:
Myth #1: I don’t look like a cyclist.
This is far too common. Few cyclists look like the elite Tour de France pros. There is no litmus test to be a cyclist. I say the following to doubting and new cyclists, “If you ride a bike, you are a cyclist.” It’s that simple. Never forget this.Myth #2: Cycling is expensive.
I rediscovered cycling on a 20-year-old Sears Roebuck mountain bike. It is OK to dust off the bike hanging in the garage or buy a used one on Facebook Marketplace. All you need to start cycling is a bike and a helmet. Time, budget, and experience may lead to a better ride and more gear.Myth #3: This isn’t Amsterdam.
You have seen thousands cycling carefree in European cities and wish it to be the reality in your city. Fearing sharing the road with traffic and the trail with dogs, runners, and other cyclists is real as a newbie. Educate yourself on the rules of the road and trail. Be alert and curious. Seek the wisdom of experienced cyclists. Comfort comes over time.Myth #4: I can’t climb hills.
Hills: either you love them or hate them. Multipurpose trails mostly follow former flat railroad and canal corridors making them ideal places to cycle casually. There is no shame in walking up a hill. Overcoming the fear of hills comes with understanding your bike gears.Myth #5: I can’t fix a flat.
I feared being stranded and hearing the hiss of a deflating tire. Fixing a flat is not rocket science. Bike shops hold fix-a-flat classes. YouTube is flush with flat repair videos. Practice at home in an ideal and stress-free setting. Carry a pump, inner tube, and tire levers. Fellow cyclists will help you get back on your ride.
To read his complete list of myths, check out his blog post.